Your visitor browsers and recording visits

These are the browsers that we can record:



When your visitors use an unsupported browser, the CUX code doesn't start. This helps us avoid showing broken layouts in visit recordings.

In reality, an unsupported browser means something exotic. We're able to find out the engine of the browser, so we'll record visits in built-in browsers services like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter use.

Browsers and CUX application

CUX dashboard, heatmaps, visit player, etc. work in most current browsers such as Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. 

Note that for an optimum experience, we recommend using a desktop browser. We know it sounds a bit Y2K. We're still architecting a mobile interface, so it isn't available just yet.

Additional browser notes (XPath)

There's one useful thing you may need when using CUX - developer tools. If you're going to build waterfalls, you'll need to copy XPath of an element you want to track in your customer journey. Most browsers allow you to enter developer mode straight away. You do that by right-clicking and selecting "Inspect element" from the context menu. Some browsers like Safari don't have this feature enabled by default. To enable developer tools in Safari go to Advanced preferences and select “Show Develop menu in menu bar.”

CUX and browser performance

CUX tracking code doesn't affect visitor browsers. We designed it so that it has a minimum footprint on your page performance.