Types of heatmap events and parameters


Click heatmaps show where your visitors click or tap. The more often they click somewhere, the hotter the area. When they click, but not too often, the area appears as cold.

We aggregate clicks and taps into a single heatmap to give you an overall insight into user behavior. When you switch device type to desktop or mobile, you'll get a map specifically for clicks (desktop) or taps (mobile).

Click heatmaps show you whether visitors click the links or buttons. When you look at a click heatmap, you can confront your expectations with reality. You can check if your calls to action get enough attention.

Here’s a heatmap showing clicks on the CUX registration form. You can see many people clicking to enter their email address, but few clicking the “Let’s try” button.

Rage click

Rage click shows where people click numerous times and get no computer response. In effect, they experience something that's referred to as computer rage — the state of anger and angered actions directed against computers.

In brief, rage clicks are records of user frustration.

In summary, rage clicks show:

  • Design imperfections

  • Implementation errors or bugs

Rage clicks are never a good sign. When you ignore them, you risk increasing customer churn. When you note rage clicks in the visits, use them to prioritize future design and development work. Use this as your chance to turn observations into actionable items.

To understand why it’s essential to hunt for rage clicks, see ​What is a rage click?


Move heatmaps show where visitors have moved their mouse on the screen. What you observe as a single line in a visit recording here is aggregated for all visitors to your site. The areas where visitors move their mouse pointer most often are marked as hot. The page areas where users move their cursor less often is colder. In other words, move heatmap shows how often visitors move their mouse to a specific area.

This type of heatmap can be useful if you want to track scrolling. You don’t need a dedicated map for scrolls. Our move heatmap will show you if people have seen a specific fragment of the page because we record mouse movements. So, if you see a mouse movement at the bottom of a long page, this means people scroll this page.

Move heatmaps help you identify if your page structure is logical for the users. There is a high correlation between mouse movement and eye movement. So, you can assume that where the mouse pointer goes, people are looking as well.

Use this type of heatmap also to identify areas of the page where it’s worthwhile to put important information like announcements or advertisements.

Devices and resolutions

Is your page mobile friendly? Does it work well on a tablet or a TV? How about the wearable devices? The aggregated view of clicks, taps, and other interactions will let you find the answer to your questions.

Desktop, mobile, tablet, smart TV, gaming console, wearable devices, embedded browsers - CUX allows you to verify how people interact with your pages on each type of these devices. When you display a heatmap for a single page or a grouped heatmap, you can switch the device type and see, for example, how mobile and desktop visitor behaviors differ.

Note that we may not be ready to show you heatmaps for some types of devices when there are not enough visits from a specific kind of gear.


